Rapport de transparence 2018

Transparency report 2018

"By working closely with our suppliers for over a year, we have compiled a comprehensive list of all FOB prices and relevant market data in a document that we hope will be both interesting and informative."

Liam Robichaud, Coffee Director at Kittel Atelier de café

At Kittel, we attach great value to the quality of our relationships. Whether it's with our customers, our employees, our importers and the people who grow the coffee we proudly roast. Building strong relationships allows us to grow with our suppliers and customers as well as develop sustainable business models with other coffee industry stakeholders. For this reason, we have worked with reputable and transparent importers as well as, where possible, directly with farms to maximize the impact created by our purchases.

In our very first transparency report you will learn more about our direct trade partnership with Finca Nueva Armenia in Guatemala and our activities in Brazil. We will describe our constant efforts to reduce our ecological footprint, since we believe that our environmental impact is just as important as our financial impact. Additionally, we will provide a full list of the FOB prices we paid for our coffee purchases in 2018.

Download report

Update: On August 1, 2019, we added additional information to the 2018 Transparency Report to meet the requirements of the Transparency.coffee Pledge

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